Our Legacy

As a teenager, Mr. Walter Welp, just matter-of-factly decided that he wanted a hobby. Stamps and coins just didn't interest him and on a whim he answered an ad offering postcards on approval that appeared in a collecting magazine. He found the hobby very appealing and began purchasing cards while traveling with his job. He was a representative for Consumers Glue Company of St. Louis. He traveled throughout the midwest and can recall humorous stories about stopping in antique shops to buy cards. Once, on his way to Wichita, Kansas he stopped in an antique shop just off the highway and asked for postcards. he received this unfortunate reply: "See that drum out back with the flames and smoke coming out of it? I just burned a trunk full!" Walter Welp is pretty much a pioneer as a dealer and collector, with having around 500,000 postcards at the peak of his collection. Walter Welp truly enjoyed the hobby of postcard collecting and was always most gracious about sharing his knowledge and collection with fellow deltiologists. After his passing in 1992, he handed over the collection to his daughters and granddaughter.
With both of us being into art, design and crafting we knew we could do something amazing with pop's postcards. After a lot of brainstorming we decided to display his collection on a wooden plaque embellished with a wire hanger and coordinating vintage button to give it that special designers touch. Sharing pops' collection has been a wonderful way to keep him close to our hearts and keeping his memory alive.